Date limite de soumission : jeudi 4 novembre 2021
Panel Proposal for BISA conference 2022 / Call for Abstracts : CPD Colonial-Postcolonial-Decolonial Working Group. Energy Colonialism : Roots, Racialization, Recurrent patterns
Panel proposed by Franziska Müller Franziska.mueller chez and Johanna Tunn (both University of Hamburg) j.tunn chez
« Energy colonialism is an essential, yet scarcely theorized concept for understanding how past, present and future energy systems are shaped by imperial and neocolonial imaginaries and practices. These perspectives are important in contemporary debates on energy transitions in face of the climate crisis, namely with regard to green finance flows, new green geopolitics, and energy governance. Current energy endeavours seem largely driven by vested interests, and mostly fail to pay attention to questions of justice or to critical developmental, anti-racist and anti-discriminatory viewpoints. We thus can identify colonial continuities pervading contemporary debates, i.e. in the ‘runup’ for (green) hydrogen produced the Global South to sustain economic growth in the Global North, in colonial imaginaries of terra nullius conceptions reproduced in energy partnerships, and not least in financial dependencies that stabilize the political economy of clean energy.
This panel aims to initiate conversations that suggest new ways to understand and research energy transitions, by focusing on resource distribution along (gendered and) racialised lines, on the ways in which developmental imaginaries and colonial ideas shape energy partnerships, on green finance flows and neocolonial patterns of green finance tools.
We invite papers which focus on roots and recurrent themes of energy colonialism and highlight intersections between energy transitions and neo/post/de-colonialism. We also welcome pieces, which zoom in on energy justice and connect this to postcolonial critique, for instance with regard to the politics of energy partnerships (and technologies), energy governance, or energy finance. »
Please feel free to circulate. If you wish to participate, please let us know till Nov. 4 and send a 200 word abstract.
Prof. Dr. Franziska Müller
Assistant Professor for Globalization and Climate Governance
University of Hamburg
Institute of Political Science
Max-Brauer-Allee 60 / Zi. 132
22765 Hamburg
++49 1578 3020719
Recent Publications :
"International Relations in the Anthropocene", Edited by David Chandler, Franziska Müller and Delf Rothe, PalgraveMacMillan
Carsten Elsner, Manuel Neumann, Franziska Müller & Simone Claar (2021) Room for money or manoeuvre ? How green financialization and de-risking shape Zambia’s renewable energy transition, Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d’études du développement, DOI : 10.1080/02255189.2021.1973971
Franziska Müller & Simone Claar (2021) Auctioning a ‘just energy transition’ ? South Africa’s renewable energy procurement programme and its implications for transition strategies, Review of African Political Economy, DOI : 10.1080/03056244.2021.1932790
Franziska Müller, Manuel Neumann, Carsten Elsner & Simone Claar (2021). Assessing African Energy Transitions : Renewable Energy Policies, Energy Justice, and SDG 7. Politics and Governance, 9(1), 119-130. doi :
Du 15 au 17 juin 2022 (Civic Centre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne)
Page créée le lundi 25 octobre 2021, par Webmestre.