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« L’historien David Olusoga explore la longue histoire des liens tissés entre les îles britanniques et les peuples d’Afrique, de la période romaine à la Première Guerre mondiale. Comme la série du même nom diffusée sur BBC 2, Black and British. A forgotten History questionne à travers des témoignages, des archives ainsi que des recherches génétiques et généalogiques, le destin intimement lié des Britanniques, noirs ou blancs. »
« A vital re-examination of a shared history, published to accompany the landmark BBC Two series.
In Black and British, award-winning historian and broadcaster David Olusoga offers readers a rich and revealing exploration of the extraordinarily long relationship between the British Isles and the people of Africa. Drawing on new genetic and genealogical research, original records, expert testimony and contemporary interviews, Black and British reaches back to Roman Britain, the medieval imagination and Shakespeare’s Othello.
It reveals that behind the South Sea Bubble was Britain’s global slave-trading empire and that much of the great industrial boom of the nineteenth century was built on American slavery. It shows that Black Britons fought at Trafalgar and in the trenches of the First World War. Black British history can be read in stately homes, street names, statues and memorials across Britain and is woven into the cultural and economic histories of the nation.
Unflinching, confronting taboos and revealing hitherto unknown scandals, Olusoga describes how black and white Britons have been intimately entwined for centuries. »
Page créée le jeudi 24 novembre 2016, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.